Photos from Holy Week and Pascha - 2023
A video montage of some short clips:
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Photos from Nativity through Theophany, including the baptism of Keenan (Nicholas) and the Greater Blessing of the Waters.
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Phase 1, part 2 of our Iconography Project. The lower side walls are now done - come and see! The photos do not do justice to how beautiful these are.
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Glory to God! What a wonderful, joyous, and festive day today commemorating our patron, Holy Archangel Michael. We also blessed our renovated Church School and all our teachers and children that were present. The festivities concluded with a potluck and activities for the children.
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The St. Michael's faithful celebrated our Lord's Ascension on Thursday (June 2) and at capped it off with a potluck in the evening that included several of our youth sharing their God-given talents. God willing, this will become an annual tradition and many more of our youth will become involved. Glory to God for such a vibrant parish!
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Father Barnabas is taking a leave of absence from full time ministry. Sunday, August 29th was his last day with us.
We thank him for his six years of leadership and faithful service to the parish. Many thanks to Matuskha Daria, Myra, and Matthew for their service as well. We will always remember their tireless efforts during the depths of the COVID-19 epidemic.
We offer our best wishes and fervent prayers that God will richly bless them during this next chapter in their lives.
Many Years!
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Daniel Alexander Defillippo was baptized on August 20, 2020 - 08/20/20
His parents are Stephanie Pacienza and Robert Defillippo, and his godparents are Ellen Gundersen and Michael Struelens.
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Ekaterinburg, 2018 - 06/16/18
Pictures from Irina Baldycheva's trip to Ekaterinburg, Russia in June of this year.
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"For I was hungry and you gave me food...." - 09/03/17
Jesus said: "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in...I tell you the truth, just as you did it for one of the least of these brothers or sisters of mine, you did it for me." (Matt 25:35, 38-40)
John (Travis) and Mary (Misty) Robinson have began a project to help alleviate hunger in our community. This project is currently weekend based since Saturday and Sunday are the hardest days for the homeless to obtain food.
Since September 3rd was Good Samaritan Sunday, it was an auspicious day to kick things off by assembling food kits which were distributed later that day.
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Holy Friday Vespers - 04/14/17
Holy Friday Vespers commemorate the Crucifixion of Christ and burial in the Tomb. An epitaphion or “winding sheet” (a cloth embroidered with the image of Christ prepared for burial) represents the body of Jesus wrapped in a burial shroud. It is carried in procession to a low table (the tetrapod) in the center of the church which is decorated with many flowers and represents the Tomb of Christ.
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Palm Sunday Children's Procession
At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy on Palm Sunday, the children of the parish held a victory procession. Holding their palm branches, they processed three times around the nave.
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Theophany and Blessing of the Water - 01/06/17
The feast of Theophany, means the shining forth and manifestation of God, The emphasis in the present day celebration is on the appearance of Jesus as the human Messiah of Israel and the divine Son of God, One of the Holy Trinity with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Thus, in the baptism by John in the Jordan, Jesus identifies himself with sinners as the “Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (Jn 1:29), the “Beloved” of the Father whose messianic task it is to redeem men from their sins (Lk 3:21, Mk 1:35).
The Theophany Divine Liturgy was held on Friday, January 6th followed by the Great Blessing of Waters.
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Christmas Eve Holy Supper - 12/24/16
Holy Supper is a pious tradition from the Christian faithful of various Eastern European regions. The supper is observed on the eves of our Lord’s Nativity in the flesh and His baptism by Saint John in the Jordan River. The meal is a fasting meal with 12 courses representing Christ’s twelve apostles.
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Vacation Church School 2016
Vacation Church School was held from Monday, June 20th through Wednesday, June 22nd. Thirteen of your youth learned about our initiation into God's family through water and sealed with the gifts of the Spirit from holy chrism. We had great fellowship, games, activities, and even a service project for our parish shut-ins. Thanks to all who participated!
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St. Michael's Lenten Retreat 2013 - 04/13/13
On Saturday, April 13, 2013, St. Michael's hosted Mother Christophora and Mother Barbara from Holy Transfiguration Monastery in a Lenten Retreat on the subject of Spiritual Growth Through Hospitality.
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Jim Carpenter's Diaconate Program Graduation Dinner - 06/02/12
A dinner was held in honor of James Carpenter on Saturday June 2, 2012 at Michael's. James graduated from St. Tikhon's Deaconate program. May God Grant Many Years to James as he continues to serve the Lord.
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Vespers and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy With Bishop TIKHON of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania - 03/18/12
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"Encounters With Christ"
St. Michael's 2011 Vacation Bible School was held from July 26-28, 2011. This year's theme was "Encounters With Christ."(15 images)
Installation of 2011 Parish Council - 01/16/11
The 2011 St. Michael's Parish Council was installed at the conclusion of Divine Liturgy on Sunday, January 16, 2011.Officers include:
Treasurer: Stephen Braskowski
Recording Secretary: Susan Skomorucha
Financial Secretary: Vera Chalfant
Corresponding Secretary: Olga Maloney
Trustee: Basil Peck
Purchasing Agent: Cathy Souder
Evelyn Kutch
Michael Sinovich
Also installed were:
2011 Diocesan Assembly Delegate: James Carpenter
Alternate: Michael Sensor
2011 All-American Assembly Delegate: Dr. Luke Wales
Alternate: Anna Wales
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Nativity 2010 - 12/25/10
The St. Michael's community celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ with a Holy Supper followed by Nativity Vigil on Christmas Eve and Nativity Divine Liturgy on Christmas Day. Our rector, Fr. James Weremedic, concelebrated both services with V. Rev. Mark Koczak.(33 images)
Church School Christmas Play - 12/19/10
On December 19, 2010, the St. Michael's Church School presented its Christmas play. The theme was "Presenting Gifts." Thanks to Mat. Lisa Weremedic and Tom Sulpizi for their work organizing the play.(12 images)
95th Anniversary and Consecration of New Social Hall - 10/10/10
On October 10, 2010, a hierarchical Divine Liturgy was celebrated by His Beatitude, Metropolitan JONAH and His Grace, Bishop TIKHON in honor of the parish's 95th anniversary and to consecrate the parish's new social hall. Bishop TIKHON also appointed Rev. James Weremedic as the permanent rector of St. Michael's parish.Priests concelebrating were Rev. James Weremedic; V. Rev. S. David Mahaffey, Dean of the Philadelphia Deanery; V. Rev. Mark W. Koczak; V. Rev. David Skopp; and Rev. Timothy Hojnicki (a "son" of St. Michael's parish). Among those assisting included Protodeacon Joseph Matusiak and Subdeacon Matthew Souder (also a "son" of St. Michael's).
At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, Bishop TIKHON awarded a Diocesan Gramota to James F. Riley, co-chair of the Building Committee, for his hard work and vision over the past eight years in bringing the project to fruition. His Grace also awarded an icon of St. Michael was awarded to Harry and Evelyn Kutch, co-chairs of the Building Committee, for their invaluable assistance to the Committee and the parish.
A festive luncheon was held with the hierarchs in the new Social Hall after Liturgy, where the faithful of St. Michael's and guests enjoyed a meal catered by Bachetti Brothers Catering.
Sunday's Divine Liturgy followed an Orthodox Christian Fellowship retreat sponsored by the University of Delaware OCF chapter, at which Metropolitan JONAH was the speaker.
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Progress Photos of our Building Project
Here is a gallery of all progress photos of our building project, from 9/9/09 to the present.(164 images)
Holy Week and Pascha 2010 - 04/04/10
St. Michael the Archangel celebrated a full series of liturgical services leading up to Great and Holy Pascha, starting with Lazarus Saturday and culminating with Paschal Matins and Divine Liturgy on April 4, 2010(102 images)
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy and Presentation of RBO Mortgage - 10/17/09
On October 17, 2009, His Grace, Bishop TIKHON of the Diocese of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania presided at a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at St. Michael's. Also present were Orthodox college students from around the area for the University of Delaware OCF's Annual Retreat.During the Divine Liturgy, His Grace presented Father Andrew with a Gold Cross awarded by the Holy Synod of Bishops in recognition of Father's hard work in growing our parish.
At the conclusion of the Liturgy, representatives of the Russian Brotherhood Organization of the U.S.A. presented the parish with a $500,000.00 mortgage to complete the funding of our building program.
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Archpriest Daniel Byantoro's Visit - 10/11/09
On October 10-11, 2009, Archpriest Daniel Byantoro of Indonesia visited St. Michael's to lecture and preach about the Orthodox Church in Indonesia.(20 images)
St. Michael's Annual Church Picnic - 09/13/09
Our Church Picnic was held inside this year due to the ground being thoroughly soaked from days of rain. A good time was still had by all!(12 images)
Blessing of the Construction Site and Equipment - 09/06/09
After two years of zoning and permitting issues, our building project has finally begun!(17 images)
Pascha 2009 - 04/18/09
Nocturnes, Matins, Divine Liturgy, and Agape Meal, followed by Paschal Vespers in the afternoon(42 images)
Hierarchal Divine Liturgy and Groundbreaking for St. Michael's Building Project - 11/30/08
On November 29-30, 2009, His Grace, Bishop TIKHON of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania, visited St. Michael's to participate in Vespers, Divine Liturgy, and the official groundbreaking for our building project.(35 images)
This Week's Schedule
Tuesday, March 11th
Lenten Compline
at 6:00 p.m.
Men's Fellowship
at 6:45 p.m.
Wednesday, March 12th
Ninth Hour
at 8:45 a.m.
Presanctified Liturgy
at 9:00 a.m.
Thursday, March 13th
Parish Council
at 6:30 p.m.
Friday, March 14th
Ninth Hour
at 5:45 p.m.
Presanctified Liturgy
at 6:00 p.m.
Saturday, March 15th
Youth Group
at 3:00 p.m.
Great Vespers
at 5:00 p.m.
followed by
Sunday, March 16th
Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas
at 8:00 a.m.
Divine Liturgy
at 9:00 a.m.
followed by
Important Dates
Tuesday, March 25th
Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos